C4K #9 Summary - The Best Day of My Holiday
On the holidays, October 10th Thursday it was my Birthday. I woke up in the morning and I walked into the bathroom to wash my face forgetting that it was my birthday. Suddenly from out of nowhere my cousins yell, "Happy Birthday Tana!" I was so excited. My cousins took me to play paint ball. My brother bought me a Rabbitohs jersey. My Uncle gave me money and my favourite. My Parents bought a massive feed. After all they sang the birthday song for me and we ate all together after. It was one of the best days of my life. The things that I like about my writing is that I'm using speech marks and my sentences are making sense. My goal for my writing is having interesting vocabulary words and showing not telling.
C4K #9 Comment
I think it is cool that you are doing this in the 7th grade. I think you did a really good job on your post. You described your best day and I have got to say that it sounded like a really great one. I used to enjoy birthdays too until the number started getting a little bit too big. I am now 35 and have a son in 8th grade and another son in 6th grade. I think it is really important for you to keep striving to better your writing no matter how old you are. The more you work on it, the better you will get. If you want to start incorporating a broader range of vocabulary, you might want to look into getting a thesaurus. They are extremely helpful when trying to use a diverse vocabulary. Another helpful tip that I use when writing is that I proofread everything that I write. I want to make sure I have capitalized what needs to be and used proper punctuation. I feel proud of my work when I know everything is how it should be. You should try it too. Although, don't think me ignorant if you see a word that isn't spelled as you are used to. I have noticed that we spell words a little differently. However, that is one of my favourite (we spell it favorite) parts about reading blogs from across the world. I get to see the variations. If you ever want to check out my blog, you can visit it at croftdanyaedm310.blogspot.com. I send you best wishes with all that you do.
C4K #10 Summary - November Is Family Blogging Month
I was assigned the famous Mrs. Yollis this week and I will say that she has been an inspiration to the EDM 310 as well as classrooms all over the world. When visiting the class blog, you can see that blogging has had a huge impact on the education of her students. They have gotten so good at writing that you can hardly tell that it came from a 3rd grader; it reads as if an adult wrote the comment. A few of the students from Mrs. Yollis' class got together to create a video detailing what it takes to make a quality comment.
In this podcast, Mrs. Yollis demonstrates how to navigate through the blog page and how to leave a comment for the class or respond to another comment.
C4K #10 Comment
Dear Mrs. Yollis,
My name is Danya and I live in Mobile, AL. I am in Dr. Strange's class at the University of South Alabama. Dr. Strange told us about how much he enjoyed visiting with all of you. He even has the pictures and a new blog post to prove it. I watched the video of your students explaining the proper techniques of writing a quality post and think that they did a fantastic job. It astounds me when I think of 3rd graders doing the same work that I am doing in college. I think it is a wonderful thing to get students involved in the world of blogging. I have just begun and am finding that it is fun and informative. I have learned so much through the posts that I have written, the comments that I have received, and the posts that I have read from others. I love how blogging enables you to communicate with people from all over the world. It tears down the walls of the regular classroom in order to make way for a sort of global classroom. For your students, what are some of the things they have learned through blogging? What other 21st Century skills are incorporated into your classroom?
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